I shaved my legs for this?

Friday, January 06, 2006


Okay, so today my daycare tells me that head lice has been found on one little girl. Freak me out. I am such a wierdo about that stuff anyway. Now my head is itching like crazy. I have checked my kids' heads so many times it's not even funny. I don't think they got it, but if all parents do not go home and bleach coats, hats etc... it will rear it's ugly little head again and again. I'm not kidding when I say I bleached and dried in a hot dryer ALL sheets today including mattress covers, our whole coat closet and every stuffed animal/pillow my kids sleep with. Clorox loves me. I SO hope it doesn't get us... if it does, you will hear. The girl that has it is a native with THICK long (to her butt) hair. I hope her mom takes care of it. AUGH. My kids are there so little as I work part time, so there may be a chance I will go free.


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