I shaved my legs for this?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The day is fast approaching

Almost 1 year ago, my mom left my dad. They had been married 33 years. I don't know how to describe how I feel. I'm angry at her for sure as she has gone off the rocker since divorcing him. Off the rocker with lots of HIS money I might add. I just think to myself.... 1 year ago, my life was as it has always been.. then *poof* it blows up and I am forever changed, as are my children. My mom has fought depression most of her life, but right now thinks she's not depressed. Go figure. Her mental illnesses has stretched back a long time and usually she is pretty good about medicine and honesty from me, but not now. She is in total denial and I have not spoken to her in almost 1 year. I really don't miss the person she is now, I grieve for the mom I had... the one who would stop by at the drop of a hat, the one that was on the floor with my children, the one who said I could tell her anything about her depression and she would listen with an open mind and heart and meant it. No, I do not miss the mom I have now, I miss the mom I had.


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