I shaved my legs for this?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Heart Day! I got the coolest gift from hubby! Sirius Radio in my Suburban! He has it in his truck, and ever since he got it, I beg to drive it. I just LOVE the 80's chanel.. jammin to Laura Brannigan and Chicago and all the favorites. It really was the best gift ever. Thanks honnie!
I went to my 6 year olds class and did an art project with them. WHOA! That was exciting. Lots of little kids with way to much sugar and lots of glitter in hand. I am covered in it and it was well worth it.
Going out to dinner tonight. I can't wait............

Let's try this again

Happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

feeling melancholy

I don't even know if I spelled the title right, but oh well.

It has officially been a year since mom and dad split and I cannot believe how my life has changed and how my relationships have changed.
A good thing is my dad and I are closer. I just felt so bad when she walked away. He has no family close by and I hurt for him. She will say I took his side without knowing all the details and she may be right. But I don't care. I do know, he was a good man to her. She was not abused etc... She went off her mental medicine and down the tube.
I don't talk to her at all, and that is good news too. When she is involved in my life especially now, she just causes havoc. I get stressed and then my family suffers. My hubby and little boys come first, a notion she has never accepted.
My sis and I's relationship changed some too, because she still speaks to mom and misses her etc... so there are lots of things I can't say to her and vice versa.
Divorce hurts and I am bitter.

feeling melancholy

Monday, February 06, 2006

One for the thumb!!

Way to go Steelers! Although it probably wasn't their best played game, they defeated the Seahwawks 21-10. WHOOO-HOOOOOOO. Our house was pretty riled up yesterday and today has been fun rubbing it in. We live by lots of Seahawks fans and if I hear bad calls/penalties/no TD from Ben one more time, I will lose it! We won, get over it.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Calling all Steeler fans

Sunday is coming and I have to admit, I'm nervous. I thought we should all tell each other how we became Steeler fans....it'd be interesting. I married into the crazy Steeler craze. I have to admit, I didn't care one bit about them til marriage. But now, I AM HOOKED. I love Bill Cowher, Bettis, Big Ben and Troy. They all excite me when on the field. I'm forever hooked.

Speaking of being hooked, Valentine's is coming, are you ready? It's my most favorite day. I just love the hearts and red and purple and everything about it. I just got a dozen roses last week from hubby for no reason at all, wasn't that sweet? AHHHHH. Remember your valentine on Feb. 14.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Superbowl bound Steelers

YAY! Steelers! This is one happy lady the Steelers made it to the superbowl and now will get "one for the thumb" Go Big Ben! My hubby was in Seattle watching the playoff game as he promised his bro he would go with him if they made it. (what were the chances?) He proudly wore his jersey and almost got clocked a few times...........those Seattle fans sure get tough when they win a game. We'll see what they do next year. As far as being a threat? NO WAY! They played their superbowl on Sunday!

My 6 year old asked the other day what was more important, the Red Cross or the Jesus cross? He really thought the Red Cross was just a cross. So I explained as best I could that the Red Cross was a group of people who helpled others in trouble and they were VERY important, but the Jesus cross was most important of all!

Well, I am home throwing a load in and vacuuming.......should be getting back to doing just that.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The day is fast approaching

Almost 1 year ago, my mom left my dad. They had been married 33 years. I don't know how to describe how I feel. I'm angry at her for sure as she has gone off the rocker since divorcing him. Off the rocker with lots of HIS money I might add. I just think to myself.... 1 year ago, my life was as it has always been.. then *poof* it blows up and I am forever changed, as are my children. My mom has fought depression most of her life, but right now thinks she's not depressed. Go figure. Her mental illnesses has stretched back a long time and usually she is pretty good about medicine and honesty from me, but not now. She is in total denial and I have not spoken to her in almost 1 year. I really don't miss the person she is now, I grieve for the mom I had... the one who would stop by at the drop of a hat, the one that was on the floor with my children, the one who said I could tell her anything about her depression and she would listen with an open mind and heart and meant it. No, I do not miss the mom I have now, I miss the mom I had.

The day is fast approaching

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Wow! 9 little boys at the gymnastics school for a birthday party! What a wild time. Not to mention that when you walk from the lobby into the actual gym you are overcome by the "smelly feet" smell. Really. It was so gross. Of course, little boys don't care about that. They jumped on the tramp, jumped in the balls, played games and were actually sweating when we were done. I guess you can say it was successful. Lots of Star Wars games were given, and that made one 6 year old very happy.

Today is a BIG Pittsburgh Steelers game, and so from 2pm on, you know where you will find my family... hubby is a huge fan, always has been. We've seen them play once in real life and hope to do more when the boys get bigger. Let's hope they pull this off.

Okay, I smell poopy................... where is the baby?